Opposition Gives Hard Deadline for Political Negotiations

The Cambodia opposition says it is holding firm to a threat to boycott the Sept. 23 opening session of parliament, potentially stalling the formation of a new government, if a political solution is not found by Sept. 22, as leaders from both sides met for a second day Tuesday. … “We will not attend the first parliamentary opening, unless we receive a proper solution that represents the people’s will,” Rescue Party President Sam Rainsy told the crowd. “So long as there is not a proper solution, we’ll keep demanding it in order to render justice to voters. Supporters should be proud that your leaders, the leaders of [the Rescue Party], will not betray your will.” … Following Tuesday’s meetings between the ruling and opposition parties, which included Prime Minister Hun Sen and Sam Rainsy, officials said they remained hopeful a deal could be struck to move forward. Yim Sovann, a spokesman for the Rescue Party, told reporters after the meeting both sides had “moved closer to end the deadlock.” However, he said there would be no fast solution to the institutional problems of Cambodia’s electoral system. “We need time to reform,” he said. Prak Sokhon, secretary of state for the Cabinet Ministry, told reporters that both sides had come to an understanding on many points. “We need to step back and discuss for a while, and when we’ve found a formula to reduce the gap, we will hold a summit meeting again,” he said.

VOA Khmer Staff